I’ve calculated the cost of the physical therapy which didn’t work for me — and compared it to the cost of practicing MELT, which did. Of course, practicing MELT has provided benefits that go way beyond restoring my left leg, but that’s another story.
The total cost for a year of physical therapy treatment — including physician referrals, orthotics, and exercise ball was $3,154. The Medicare-approved amount was $1,442. My out-of-pocket expenses, excluding insurance premiums were $357.
The total cost for the bundle of MELT balls, soft roller, book, and DVDs was $169.
Total Cost Medicare-Approved Cost Out-of-Pocket Expense MELT
$3,154 $1,442 $357 $169
The reckoning
Here’s the reckoning: The cost of restoring the function of my left leg with MELT was 5% of the total cost of physical therapy treatment and about 10% of the Medicare-approved cost. Doing MELT cost less than half of my out-of-pocket expenses for physical therapy.
I like a health care modality that deeply understands the human body and that actually works!